My Benefit Statement

The 2018 Benefit Statements have now been issued, showing the value of your benefits in the Kingfisher Pension Scheme. It’s important that you read and understand this information, and so we have created these pages to explain what it means to you.

Watch our 2-3mins video which will help you understand your benefit statement and also provides you with some helpful tips.

Please select the type of Kingfisher Pension Scheme benefits you have to access a sample statement explaining the contents and terms.

For members with benefits in the money purchase section linked to deferred benefits in the final salary section.

View a sample benefits statement showing money purchase benefits with linked deferred final salary benefits

Please note the version shown may include sections which may not be relevant to all members.

For members with deferred benefits in the final salary section only.

View a sample benefits statement showing deferred final salary benefits only

Please note the version shown may include sections which may not be relevant to all members.

From 2018 onwards Legal & General will be issuing money purchase only benefit statements.

You can access your statement by going to Legal & General Manage Your Account (MYA)