Kingfisher Retirement Trust (KRT)

You may have been a member of the Kingfisher Retirement Trust (KRT) if you were employed by an operating Company within Kingfisher group between April 1988 and March 2004.

The KRT was legally wound up on 5 January 2009 and all remaining benefits have been transferred out of KRT into BlackRock.

All enquiries relating to KRT should now be directed to BlackRock, whose contact details are given below. You can also use a free service offered by Pensionslink to check if your benefits are with BlackRock.

BlackRock Retirement Service Centre
Kingfisher Team
PO Box 17486
EH12 1NU

Telephone: 01733 353 438 (Quote ‘BlackRock Kingfisher Team’)
Fax: 01733 353 656

If however you believe you transferred your KRT benefits before 2009 please contact the Kingfisher Group Pensions Department.